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connectable: structuresource
next0: connectable
prev0: connectable
next1: connectable
prev1: connectable


connection: connectablesource
next0: connectable
prev0: connectable
next1: connectable
prev1: connectable
param0: basic
param1: int32
param2: int32
param3: int32
quad: uint128
get-engine(obj: connection) => enginesource

Get the engine for this connection. This must be used on a live connection.

get-process(obj: connection) => processsource

Get the process for this connection

belongs-to-engine?(obj: connection, arg0: engine) => symbolsource

Check to see if this connection is located in the data section of the engine.
This works on dead or alive connections.

belongs-to-process?(obj: connection, arg0: process) => symbolsource

Does this connection belong to the given process?

move-to-dead(obj: connection) => connectionsource

Move this connection from the alive list to the dead list


engine: basicsource
type: type
name: basic
length: int16
allocated-length: int16
engine-time: time-frame
alive-list: connectable
alive-list-end: connectable
dead-list: connectable
dead-list-end: connectable
data: connection
inspect-all-connections(obj: engine) => enginesource

inspect all of the connections.

apply-to-connections(obj: engine, f: function) => intsource

Apply f to all connections for the engine. It's okay to have f remove the connection.

apply-to-connections-reverse(obj: engine, f: function) => intsource

Apply f to all connections, reverse order.
Do not use f to remove yourself from the list.

execute-connections(obj: engine, arg0: object) => intsource

Run the engine!

execute-connections-and-move-to-dead(obj: engine, arg0: object) => intsource

Run the engine! If any objects return 'dead, then remove them

execute-connections-if-needed(obj: engine, arg0: object) => intsource

Execute connections, but only if it hasn't been done on this frame.

add-connection(obj: engine, proc: process, func: object, p1: object, p2: object, p3: object) => connectionsource

Add a connection between this engine and a given process.

remove-from-process(obj: engine, proc: process) => intsource

Remove all connections from process for this engine

remove-matching(obj: engine, arg0: function) => intsource

call the given function on each connection and the engine.
if it returns truthy, move to dead that connection.

remove-all(obj: engine) => intsource

Remove all connections from an engine

remove-by-param1(obj: engine, p1-value: object) => intsource

Remove all connections with param1 matching arg0

remove-by-param2(obj: engine, p2-value: int) => intsource

Remove all connections with param2 matching p2-value

get-first-connectable(obj: engine) => connectablesource

Get the first connectable on the alive list.
This should be a valid connection.

get-last-connectable(obj: engine) => connectablesource

Get the last connectable on the alive list.
I think the returned connectable is invalid.

unknown-1(obj: engine, arg0: pointer) => uintsource

Not clear what this does. Possibly get next.



connection-process-apply(proc: process, func: function) => symbolsource

Apply a function to all connectables of a process.


process-disconnect(arg0: process) => intsource

Disconnect all connections for the given process.





*background-draw-engine*: enginesource


*camera-engine*: enginesource


*debug-engine*: enginesource


*matrix-engine*: arraysource