Development - Jan 2023
Various pictures and videos we took while working on Jak II.
[2023-01-01] First functional enemy! Plus some nav-mesh debug tools
[2023-01-01] Collectables
[2023-01-01] Early version of Vaser's debug text filter
[2023-01-01] Can also filter processes by their distance from Jak
[2023-01-01] Guards, Jak!
[2023-01-02] Titan Suit
[2023-01-02] Spray and pray
[2023-01-02] Vaser making it look easy to get Gold in the JET Board challenge
[2023-01-02] Enemy #2
[2023-01-03] Metalheads
[2023-01-03] Scouts mission with debug path tools
[2023-01-04] Protect Site in Dead Town mostly playable
[2023-01-07] The playable Daxter state is working
[2023-01-08] Vaser demo-ing the first 2 Sewers missions, minus the water
[2023-01-09] Meanwhile in Mar's Tomb, Hat Kid sees very little except for water
[2023-01-09] Good thing collision renderer works (oh and so do tombstones!)
[2023-01-15] This mission and a couple others were plagued by a troublesome gui-control bug for some time
[2023-01-15] "Some hacks to get str's to play, but the animation playback/decompress stuff in GOAL is working. It's 16/17ths of the right speed, I think." -water111
[2023-01-15] Mar is still alive!
[2023-01-15] 2nd Praxis fight
[2023-01-18] Minor bug in ocean-far where it moved with the camera
[2023-01-18] Missing transition between ocean-near and ocean-mid, but close!
[2023-01-20] Jak 2's emerc improved upon Jak 1's generic renderer, and now it's been backported to Jak 1 OpenGOAL as well.
[2023-01-21] Vaser blessing us with the THPS-style trick display
[2023-01-22] Drill mission with the Titan Suit
[2023-01-23] Metalhead Mash
[2023-01-24] Dark Eco animations
[2023-01-24] 1st Praxis fight
[2023-01-30] Water ripple effect