Various pictures and videos we took while working on Jak II.
[2022-09-02] water111 shares the first screenshot of Jak 2 (partially) running!
[2022-09-16] "loading PRI.DGO and viewing actor vis - amazingly it just kinda worked on the first try" -water111
[2022-09-17] "tfrag already works?" -Hat Kid (the answer is mostly yes)
[2022-09-18] Loading two levels
[2022-09-18] Actor marks around ctysluma
[2022-09-24] Bring me a shrubbery!
[2022-09-24] ctysluma looking a little more recognizable
[2022-09-24] Yay prison?
[2022-09-27] dEbuGgInG tExT sTuFf
[2022-09-27] Debug menu is functional and ManDude becomes the first one to "beat the game"
[2022-09-30] A new debug visualization in Jak 2: bsp-leaf boundaries
[2022-09-30] Time-of-day now allows for different weights for red green and blue. Here the ground is drawn with Jak 1's system, the building with Jak 2's